Case Discussion
Case Discussion is a form of content designed to provide an up-to-date and evidence-based discussion about interesting clinical scenarios with substantial educational value and potential.
Each volume features a case scenario followed by a detailed discussion of the diagnosis, management and follow-up of the case by an expert colleague in the form of under-10-minutes narrations.
Please follow the following instructions when producing a Case Discussion volume:
- Please start recording your discussion in a quiet room and use a recording equipment with acceptable quality.
- Please avoid recording your voice in different occasions and in separated parts. Recording consistently and in one session will help your audience follow your presentation more easily.
- Please always start with introducing yourself to the audience and informing them about the number of the Case Discussion episode at the beginning of your presentation.
- Please use the latest related guidelines and valid clinical sources for the discussion and inform the audience about the references you used for the discussion.
- Case Discussions are a voice-based content but in special cases, please inform the editorship committee if you need a certain table, figure or algorithm shown during the discussion and send a high quality version to be placed into the final video file.
- Please send a recent smiling picture, your full name and your updated affiliation along with your voice file.
- Please conclude your discussion with definite answers to the potential clinical questions about the case scenario.
- Thanking the audience for their attention to your presentation at the end is a good practice and it is strongly recommended.
- Submit the final content to the editor for evaluation before publication.
Thank you for your collaboration