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/ Learning objectives & cases
Hypertension & dyslipidemia panel
1st Case
- Learning objectives
- Importance of out-of-office BP measurement
- BP staging based on clinic , ABPM & HBPM
- Algorithm for initiating, titrating & adding medications
- Appropriate medications & doses
- How to follow-up
- Necessary diagnostic tests
- Case
- 1st time visit in your clinic
- Asymptomatic for follow-up
- Hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg daily
- BP: 170/100 mmHg (Right hand), 165/90 mmHg (left hand)
- Physical examination is otherwise normal
- What are the next steps in evaluating, managing & following her HTN?
2nd case
- Learning objectives
- How to initiate statin & follow the patient?
- Role of non-statin LDL lowering medications?
- LDL number is important or statin?
- How to monitor statin side effects?
- How to approach to hypertriglyceridemia?
- Case
- Recent typical chest pain, CCS II
- S/P Anterior MI 10 years ago, SVD with PPCI on LAD
- ASA 80mg daily, Rosuvastatin 10 mg daily
- Metoprolol tartrate 25 mg BID
- Valsartan 160 mg daily, Indapamide 1.5 mg daily
- Linagliptin/Empagliflozin 2.5/5 mg BID
- Recent lab tests:
TC: 180 mg/dL, LDL: 68 mg/dL, HDl: 50 mg/dL, TG: 310 mg/dL
HgbA1c: 7.1%, Metabolic panel, TFT & LFT: Nl
- ECG; Unremarkable, TTE: LVEF: 45%, Moderate MR
- Recent MPI: High risk ischemia
- SCA: Moderate RCA & CX lesions, Insignificant in-stent restenosis
- Next approach to LDL & TG & how to follow?
Diabetes panel
1st Case
- Learning objectives
- Prevalence of T2DM in ASCVD patient
- Screening for CVD in T2DM
- CV Risk stratification of T2DM patients
- Multifactorial approach for the treatment of T2DM
- Case
- 58-year-old gentleman with history of HTN and diabetes, presented to clinic for routine follow-up.
- Ph/Ex: BMI: 31 kg/m2, BP: 139/91 mmHg, otherwise Unremarkable
- Echo: Normal EF (60%), Mild MR
- What is your next plan for better glycemic control in this patient?
2nd case
- Learning objectives
- Paradigm shift in the management of T2DM
- Treatment algorithm for T2DM patients
- Comparative efficacy and safety of different antihyperglycemic agent in T2DM & ASCVD
- Case
- 65-year-old gentleman with history of PCI on LAD 3 months ago, after anterior MI
- Ph/Ex: BMI: 27 kg/m2, BP: 127/75, otherwise Unremarkable
- ECG: Normal Sinus Rhythm, Q in v1-3, T inversion in V1-4, Poor R wave progression in V1-5
- Echo: Near Normal EF (50%), Anterior Wall Motion Abnormality
- What is your recommendation for better prognosis in this case?
Chronic coronary syndrome & PAD panel
1st Case
- Learning objectives
- How to assess pre-test probability and
clinical likelihood of CAD?
- How to select appropriate testing?
- When to consider invasive coronary angiography?
- Case
- Retrosternal chest discomfort, since 6 m ago, lasts 10-15 min
exertional CCS II & sometimes at rest, resolves spontaneously
- PMH: Unremarkable except mentioned Hx
- Aspirin 80 daily, Atorvastatin 40 daily, Metoprolol 25 BID
- BMI: 27 kg/m2, BP: 128/82 mmHg (Right hand), HR: 82
- Heart & lungs: Unremarkable
- Lab tests:
CBC: Nl, HgbA1c: 5.1%, Cr: 0.7, K: 4.2, TFT & LFT: Nl
TC: 205, LDL: 116 , HDL: 51 , TG: 180
- ECG: NSR, No specific ST/T changes
- TTE: LVEF: 60%, No RWMA, No VHD
- MPI: Mild ischemia in inferolateral wall, SSS: 5
- How was the previous plan & What are the optimum next steps?
2nd case
- Learning objectives
- Appropriate antiplatelet regimen in CAD & PAD
- When to consider revascularizing in CCS?
- When to consider noninvasive & invasive
imaging for PAD?
- Optimal management of PAD
- When to consider revascularization of PAD?
- Management of asymptomatic carotid artery disease
- Case
- Typical chest pain CCS II (1 year ago)
Right intermittent claudication (6months ago)
- SH: Current cigarette smoker (30 pack/year)
- Aspirin 80 daily, Rosuvastatin 20 daily
- Metoprolol 50 BID, Metformin 1000 BID
- Ph/Ex: Wt: 82kg, BMI: 22, BP: 141/86, HR: 86, Heart & lungs: Nl
- Recent lab tests:
CBC, LFT & TFT: Nl, A1c: 7.1, Cr: 1.7 (stable), K; 4.6, LDL: 41, TG: 115
- ECG: NSR, LBBB with secondary ST/T changes
- DSE: GLVEF: 55%, No VHD, WMA in anterior wall in stress phase
- ABI: Left: 0.9, Right: 0.7
- Carotid doppler: LICA: Nl, RICA: 70% proximal stenosis
- SCA: Significant LAD mid-part lesion, CX & RCA: Nl (film included)
- What are the optimum next therapeutic plans?
Acute coronary syndrome panel
1st Case
- Learning objectives
- Diagnostic approach for ACS in ED
- Initial Pharmacological/Antithrombotic therapy in ED
- Invasive strategy in NSTEMI: indication/timing
- Timing of delay invasive management
- Medical therapy at hospital
- Medical Therapy at discharge
- Case
- 58-year-old gentleman visited in ED due to chest heaviness with mild exercise since few hours ago. He denied any relevant history of cardiovascular disease.
- Ph/Ex.: BMI: 27 kg/m2, BP: 127/75, otherwise Unremarkable
- ECG: Normal Sinus Rhythm, flat T wave in anterior leads
- Limited Bedside Echo: Near Normal EF (55%), Mild MR
- What is you next step in the management of this patient?
2nd case
- Learning objectives
- Initial Antithrombotic therapy in ED
- Timing of delay invasive management
- Medical therapy at hospital
- Medical Therapy at discharge
- Case
- 68-year-old lady with history of smoking and HTN, transferred to ED, in a non-PCI capable center, due to nausea and chest heaviness, started 3 hours before ED visit.
- PMH: HTN (8 y), Smoking (10 pack-year)
- Drug Hx: Atenolol 100 mg OD
- ECG: Anteroseptal STEMI (V1-6)
- Ph/Ex: BMI: 35 kg/m2, BP: 154/95 mmHg, otherwise Unremarkable
- Beside Echo: EF=35%, Mild MR, anteroseptal WMA, no clot
- Fibrinolytic therapy was done with successful clinical and ECG response.
- Initial Lab Test: Hb=15 mg/dl, TG=240 mg/dl, TC= 190 mg/dl, LDL= 95 mg/dl, HDL= 60 mg/dl, HbA1c= 6.1 %, FBS= 87 mg/dl, eGFR= 88 ml/min, cTnI: 650
- What is you next step in the management of this patient?
Heart failure panel
1st Case
- Learning objectives
- Ischemia work-up in HF: Who & how?
- Role of Pro-BNP in Dx & F/U?
- How to initiate, add & titrate GDMT?
- Anemia treatment in HF: Who & How?
- AF in HF: When refer for ablation?
- ICD & CRT: When to be considered?
- MR: when refer for repair?
- Case
- DOE FC-I, II in the past 3 months
- BP: 138/92 mmHg (Right hand), 136/88 mmHg (left hand)
- Heart & lungs: Unremarkable
- Lab tests:
Hgb: 10.1, HgbA1c: 6.1%, Cr: .8, K: 4.1, TFT & LFT: Nl
TC: 230 , LDL: 139 , HDl: 45 , TG: 230
- ECG: AF & LBBB with secondary ST/T changes
- TTE: LVIDd: 6.9cm, LVEF: 15%, Severe MR
mid-RV: 3.6, TAPSE: 13mm, TRG: 50 mmHg
- What are the next steps
in evaluating, managing & following his heart failure?
2nd case
- Learning objectives
- Role of clinical pharmacist in HF care?
- Drug-Drug & Drug-Disease Interactions in HF
- How to adjust & follow GDMT in HF & CKD?
- How to manage medication complexities in elderlies?
- Case
- DOE FC II in the past 1 month & 1 pillow orthopnea
- PMH: CABG & HFrEF (15yrs), PAF, Aortobifemoral bypass 5 yrs ago
- ASA 80mg daily, Rivaroxaban 10mg daily
- Rosuvastatin 40 mg daily, Cilostazol 50mg BID
- Carvedilol 3.125 BID, Enalapril 10 mg daily
- Eplerenone 25mg daily, Nortriptyline 10mg daily
- Furosemide 40mg daily, Digoxin 0.25 daily except weekends
- Ph/Ex: Weight: 76kg, BMI: 24, BP: 138/82, HR: 82, Heart: Nl
Lungs: Bibasilar rales, 1+ pedal edema
- Recent lab tests:
Hgb: 12.8, Plt: 165.000, LDL: 51, TG: 110
Cr: 1.8 (1.7 last yr), K: 4.1, Na: 128, Pro-BNP: 1800, TFT & LFT: Nl
- ECG: NSR, Old ST/T changes
- TTE: GLVEF: 35%, Moderate MR, Low probable for PAH
- How to adjust the medications & follow the patient precisely?
Arrythmia panel
1st Case
- Learning objectives
- AF Definitions and classification
- Diagnostic work-up and follow-up
- Anticoagulation/Stroke risk/ drug choices
- Symptom control (rate/rhythm control)
- CV risk factor/comorbidities
- Case
- 67-year-old lady visited in ED due to history of recent onset rapid palpitation, and ECG that showed A.Fib rhythm.
- She is now asymptomatic with NSR in ECG.
- Drug : Amlodipine 5mg OD, Bisoprolol 2.5mg BID
- Ph/Ex.: BMI: 32 kg/m2, BP: 143/85 mmHg, otherwise Unremarkable
- What do you recommend as the next steps?
2nd case
- Learning objectives
- Syncope: Definition, Classification & Associated conditions
- Management in the ED & admission criteria
- Case
- 40-year-old lady visited due of transient loss of consciousness with spontaneous recovery, after palpitation and sweeting at work. She denies any other medical condition. She has good functional class.
- Ph/Ex.: BMI: 25 kg/m2, BP: 110/70, otherwise Unremarkable
- ECG: NSR, otherwise unremarkable
- Bedside Echo: EF=65%, MVP mild MR, Mild TR
- What do you recommend as the next steps?
Venous thromboembolism panel
1st Case
- Learning objectives
- Ischemia work-up in HF: Who & how?
- Role of Pro-BNP in Dx & F/U?
- How to initiate, add & titrate GDMT?
- Anemia treatment in HF: Who & How?
- AF in HF: When refer for ablation?
- ICD & CRT: When to be considered?
- MR: when refer for repair?
- Case
- DOE FC-I, II in the past 3 months
- BP: 138/92 mmHg (Right hand), 136/88 mmHg (left hand)
- Heart & lungs: Unremarkable
- Lab tests:
Hgb: 10.1, HgbA1c: 6.1%, Cr: .8, K: 4.1, TFT & LFT: Nl
TC: 230 , LDL: 139 , HDl: 45 , TG: 230
- ECG: AF & LBBB with secondary ST/T changes
- TTE: LVIDd: 6.9cm, LVEF: 15%, Severe MR
mid-RV: 3.6, TAPSE: 13mm, TRG: 50 mmHg
- What are the next steps
in evaluating, managing & following his heart failure?
2nd case
- Learning objectives
- Role of clinical pharmacist in HF care?
- Drug-Drug & Drug-Disease Interactions in HF
- How to adjust & follow GDMT in HF & CKD?
- How to manage medication complexities in elderlies?
- Case
- DOE FC II in the past 1 month & 1 pillow orthopnea
- PMH: CABG & HFrEF (15yrs), PAF, Aortobifemoral bypass 5 yrs ago
- ASA 80mg daily, Rivaroxaban 10mg daily
- Rosuvastatin 40 mg daily, Cilostazol 50mg BID
- Carvedilol 3.125 BID, Enalapril 10 mg daily
- Eplerenone 25mg daily, Nortriptyline 10mg daily
- Furosemide 40mg daily, Digoxin 0.25 daily except weekends
- Ph/Ex: Weight: 76kg, BMI: 24, BP: 138/82, HR: 82, Heart: Nl
Lungs: Bibasilar rales, 1+ pedal edema
- Recent lab tests:
Hgb: 12.8, Plt: 165.000, LDL: 51, TG: 110
Cr: 1.8 (1.7 last yr), K: 4.1, Na: 128, Pro-BNP: 1800, TFT & LFT: Nl
- ECG: NSR, Old ST/T changes
- TTE: GLVEF: 35%, Moderate MR, Low probable for PAH
- How to adjust the medications & follow the patient precisely?
Valvular heart disease panel
1st Case
- Learning objectives
- Echocardiographic features of valvular AS
- Diagnostic work-up and follow-up
- Indication for stress test in valvular AS
- Clinical & echocardiographic follow-up
- Treatment (medical, surgical, interventional)
- Case
- 58-year-old gentleman referred to the clinic due to newly-diagnosed hypertension and harsh systolic murmur at the base of heart.
- PMH: Cigarette Smoking 5py
- Ph/Ex.: BMI: 26 kg/m2, BP: 143/85, otherwise Unremarkable
- ECG: NSR, LVH, Secondary ST-T change
- Echo: EF=60%, Mild concentric LVH, calcified and thick AV with Vmax=4.5 m/s, MPG=52mmHg, AVA=0.9 cm2, Trivial AI, Mild MR, No MS
- What do you recommend as the next steps?
2nd case
- Learning objectives
- Echocardiographic features of MS
- Diagnostic work-up and follow-up
- Clinical & Echocardiographic Follow-up
- Treatment (medical, surgical, interventional)
- Case
- 37-year-old lady referred to the clinic due to history of recent onset rapid palpitation, and ECG that showed A.Fib rhythm.
- She complained of mild dyspnea on exertion (NYHA FC2) without significant limitation in daily activity science few months ago.
- Drug Hx: Warfarin 5mg OD, Bisoprolol 5 mg OD,
- Ph/Ex.: BMI: 25 kg/m2, BP: 116/71, irregular heart beat
- ECG: AF with acceptable ventricular rate
- Echo: EF=55%, Significant Rheumatic MS (MVA: 1.2 cm2 by planimetry, MPG: 12.5 mmHg, Wilkins score: 8), Severe LA enlargement, Mild MR, Mild TR, sPAP: 45mmHg
- What do you recommend as the next steps?